I am a PVEer. I play strictly play story and patrol. I play strikes only because it is part of the story. I currently have my light at 200. It's too low to play daily story heroic missions, but all good lv 40 items require Legendary Marks to buy. I'm currently playing House of Wolves storyline and have not done the Taken DLC as of yet. Should I just advance through the story until RNG grants me items to make my light above 280?What to do?
Edit: Just want to thank everyone for the suggestions. Definitely will apply every tip that was given.
Edited by wrightflyer_1903: 10/30/2015 2:23:42 PMJust keep grinding bounties until you get to 240 (perhaps a bit more) then you can do the daily that pays 15 marks every day. I think you can do the daily crucible for 15 marks whatever light level you are. So you should be able to make 30 marks a day. Add to that any legendary drops you get that you don't want. Either break them immediately for 3 marks or upgrade them (motes are useful for this) and then break them for 5 marks each. BTW to work up from 200, whenever you decode engrams make sure you have all your highest light level stuff on. Some of the decodes will then be above that level and if you equip them next time then you slowly work your way up. Also don't decrypt all 5/10/whatever engrams in one go with the same stuff equipped. As soon as something decrypts higher than what's already quipped in that slot then equip the new item to help drive things upwards. PS looking at your character - do NOT keep that Petra mask on when decoding as you could be wearing something there that adds a bit of light.