So I was walking up to Rahool today and I had an epiphany. I've always noticed that Rahool is an Awoken, but I've never really stopped to think about that until today. Why is one of the most prominent characters in the game, the one you go to every day for your Engrams, an Awoken? I was puzzled at first, but when I went to the Reef, it all became clear.
Master Ives, the Reef Cryptarch, is [i]also[/i] Awoken. If this trend continues, we can safely assume that [i]every single Cryptarch[/i] is Awoken, which opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. Bungie is setting up the Awoken as the game's Master Race.
We depend on the Awoken Cryptarch to decrypt our Engrams. The Titan Vanguard, the one charged with protecting the entire city, is Awoken. The Queen of the entire Reef is Awoken. Even Bungie's source of microtransaction income, Tess Everis, is AWOKEN. Without the Awoken, we wouldn't be able to do anything in this game. And this is where Bungie's elitism is revealed.
Mark my words, the only race you'll be able to choose in the future is the Awoken Master Race. Open your eyes to the truth.
Don't forget Arach Jalaal! He's awoken too!