Edit: Changed out a few things to make them more in line with their manufacturers. They may seem overpowered at first, but paired with the right damage for each manufacturer, could provide more unique game-play than what we are already use to.
I was thinking about it and figured I might just post this in the futile attempt to be noticed for a halfway decent idea.
Sleeper Simulant is by far my favorite heavy in the game. The charge time coupled with the massive damage and the fact that it's a fusion rifle makes me all giddy inside. But what I found out is that once I've been using this glorious gun for a while and try to switch out for something else, my other heavies do not compare to the stopping power and pure awesomeness of this gun. Makes me feel like I'm not playing to my full potential when I don't have it equipped.
Took me a while, but now I have the reason. I really like the mechanic behind the Sleeper Simulant. A charge time with one bolt of energy flying out of the barrel dealing more damage on a critical than a rocket could ever hope to achieve.
So why don't we reverse engineer this beauty of a gun. Rasputin gave us the means to do so. Why couldn't the foundries make something similar in their own design.
In the comments please leave your idea(s) of a legendary variant of the Sleeper Simulant. Include a little bit of story if applicable.
My Ideas
[i]Omolon Collider (Legendary)
Unique charge time
High impact
zero ricochet
magazine of 3, max held total of 6
Omolon, being great with advanced weaponry had come up with a problem with their purposed idea, but what better way to fix it is with nearly destructive testing and tech. They came up with the Collider, which combined two forms of firing. First would be a tracer which would deal at maximum 1 damage on hit, regardless of what it struck, or 2 on critical with no charge and would be fired when the trigger was held down. Then the rifle would charge. Each full charge would stack another charge into its charge holding center within the gun cells. After a full charge of the magazine the user would be able to release the trigger at any time which would release the charges in quick succession, all tracing in on the target that was hit by the tracer. Tracer rounds would be light weight and nearly worthless as themselves, but paired with the compatibility of the gun, render them the most essential part of the gun. Different elements would react different ways with the charges and the tracer. Arc elements would quickly zip to the target, any enemies between the user and the target would get hit with arc electricity for a fraction of the damage dealt to the target and gave slight tracking on the target due to its speed. Void elements would be fired at a slightly slower speed than arc but would forcefully push any push-able target out of the way of the projectiles allowing a clear path to the said target which also had decent targeting for those enemies that were always moving. Solar elements would launch out at a very slow speed but then quickly burst towards the target, which didn't penetrate so any enemy between the target and the user would take full damage from the laser and provided superior tracking due to the idle time after it had been fired allowing quick firing while running to cover. Always testing the boundaries of guns, Omolon proved to be one of the best choices for unique weapons with almost limitless applications.
Suros Convergence (Legendary)
Extremely Low Charge Time
High Impact
High Penetration
Zero Ricochet
Only one reload required, all charges would be held inside the gun (Like a sword) any additional charges could be added. 5-6 base total.
Suros took a different approach to the sleeper simulant reverse engineering. In essence the sleeper was a single beam fusion rifle, so what if they could stylishly take the individual beams from a normal fusion rifle and converge them into one? Thus this was born. Its pure energy expulsion was impressive and the fact that the gun didn't need a reload was fantastic. The Suros added a spinning "Minigun" style mid section to equally distribute the energy being converged into one beam, allowing for a stable laser being shot out at extremely high speeds. A byproduct that Suros didn't anticipate is that the residual energy brought from converging the lasers would persist for a few moments after the laser had been fired, as though the air and molecules were charged with the same property that the weapon was {Area DoT where the laser had persisted 2-3 seconds). The downside? Long charge times, even more so than the sleeper or the Omolon Rail gun. Along with the charge up time, the crystal inside soul purpose of converging the energy, would over-heat needing a cool down period before firing again. The high output of the gun was outweighed the downtime of the gun. Being grace on the battlefield has its perks, and Suros gave you a Minigun looking laser gun for kicks.
Hakke Rail Gun (Legendary)
Low charge time
High impact
High penetration
zero ricochet
1 ammo per reload (No field scout or anything like that, limit to 1 per mag) But super fast reloads due to simplicity and location of reloaded chamber (Think the Mors sniper from call of duty AW but the bullet being twice as large)
Hakke is known for functionality through simplicity. What is most simple about making a gun fire? Put a bullet in it. Of course their task was to make it close to the sleeper simulant as possible, so instead of conventional firing, they tinkered with their rail gun mechanics and applied it to the system, allowing for the 3 different types of charges to be influential to the bullet they are firing. Simple as point and shoot, Hakke just made it hit harder. [/i]