I feel like it was seriously dumbed down so that the braindead majority of the fps community *Cough*Call of Duty*cough* didn't have to hurt their brain muscle too hard while playing it.
They've made seperate energy bars for armour and stealth and made sprinting/power jumping cost no energy, which means the player hardly needs to focus on their energy levels at all and instead simply run around the map gunning down enemies without any thought to it whatsoever. Armour mode doesn't even use up energy any more unless you're taking damage so you can just slap it on whenever you feel like it with no consequences. (I know it didn't drain energy in Crysis but there were extra modes for power and speed then so it was less versatile.)
But my biggest beef with it however is the new starter module, auto armour, which makes you automatically enter armour mode the second you come under attack. This feels so damn cheap and practically negates the tactical use of armour mode single handedly, since with the module equipped you never need to even press the button for armour, it essentially becomes a constantly active ability because of how quickly it activates when shot. It's the ultimate noob friendly module as it means people don't have to bother thinking about activating armour mode, the game does it for them. This can even be detrimental to veteran players as I constantly find myself accidentally deactivating armour mode as soon as it is activated by the auto-system.
I know its a beta but so far I haven't seen any forums or ways to give feedback on it so it makes me feel like they're just showing it off to get more people to buy it.
TL:DR EA/Crytek made Crysis noob friendly to rake in more cash and I don't like it.
What's your opinion on the beta?
I think it will end destiny to be honest