THE BEST trials help team [b][i][u]realTKOgaming[/u][/i][/b] is back again to carry/SHERPA YOU guardians in TRIALS OF OSIRIS live on our TWITCH live stream:
[b][i][u]Click this-->[/u][/i][/b] www.Twitch.tv/realTKOgaming
[b][i]Year 1 trials we carried over 1000+ guardians to the lighthouse and NOW we want to carry 1000+ more! **XB1 & PS4** Tune into the live stream! BUT ALSO, post your gamertag and console below to HAVE THIS BE A TRIALS TEAM FINDER! Read below
[b][i][u]*DISCLAIMER*[/u][/i][/b]: [i]It is not necessary to do trials or the raid with us. We simply will save you tons of time and frustration. We spend around 18 hours a day helping others and it's impossible to help everyone. Watching our videos or simply watching the stream is a great way to learn and improve! We have a fundraiser to improve stream Youtube quality so supporters will be prioritized. We have a fundraiser to improve Youtube and stream quality so supporters will be PRIORIZED. We also occasionally do in stream currency "beatbucks" for runs which is earned just by being a loyal viewer! Be sure to tune in and follow us -> www.twitch.tv/realTKOgaming [/i]
realTKOgaming carried over 60+ guardians on xb1 and ps4 in week 1 trials of Osiris!!! WE WILL BE LIVE EVERY DAY THAT TRIALS IS LIVE EVERY single week!!! (Read above for details!!!)[/u][/i][/b]
"Throw Money At The Screen" - Luke Smith Ignore the guys that advertise on my forum, if you want flawless run with the best! Yes, that's me and my friend! Message me on PS4. PSN GT: K_Naza We have Successfully carried EVERY single person that has came to us. In doing so we are in the Top 1% in ToO Kills/Wins. We have a DTR of 50 on Destiny Tracker.. Links to both of our accounts Below. [b]MY ACCOUNT[/b] http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/ps/K_Naza/trialsOfOsiris [b]CLANMATES ACCOUNT[/b] http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/ps/Basqiat92/trialsOfOsiris -You DO NOT have to be good at the game.. -You can be low light level -Don't know how to aim a gun -Shoot the wall -Jump off map Lololol [b][u]WE WILL CARRY YOU[/u][/b] All joking aside we enjoy playing and are the among the best at carrying people EVERY WEEKEND and enjoy taking them To The Lighthouse for the SWEET LOOT that comes with it! We stream all of our Runs Through Twitch Twitch.tv/K_Naza Twitch.tv/basqiat92 [b]Here is my montage, the clips that are used are mainly from carrying people in trials.[/b] http://youtu.be/niAGrR7JVQc