As of now, Etheric Light is the most useless drop in the game. It has no purpose and does nothing for you; you can't even turn it in to the Speaker for Glimmer or Motes. But, what if it had a new purpose? I was thinking a while back about how nice some of the Rare armor sets in the game look, and how much it sucks that I can't wear them without handicapping myself. And then I thought about Etheric Light; purposeless and useless Etheric Light. But then it hit me; what if that oh so useless Material could be used to upgrade a Rare armor piece/weapon into a Legendary weapon? It would give Etheric Light a purpose and double if not triple Armor Customization. And just for balancing reasons, Etheric Light would only change gear from Rare to Legendary; and not affect Dmg/Dfns values. Upon upgrading the gear to Legendary, its Dmg/Dfns value would stay the same: so that 287 Rare helmet stays 287 upon upgrade, but now you can actually Infuse it to a higher value.
Come on, you ALL know you want to wear a Legendary Seraph I armor set.
Maybe have etheric light be guaranteed 5 light level increase for your gun/armor. If you have 300 gun but no gun higher it could bump it up. Maxed at 310 or something.
Ooohhhh yeeeaaahhhhhh!!!!
This is a legendary idea.
BUMP all day
Edited by Jio: 11/1/2015 2:56:30 PMAll the yes. I am satisfied with my current armor and weapons, but I don't see why not. It wouldn't hurt at all. In reference to something another user stated, it should also require three legendary marks. I would like new gauntlets. If only I could reroll the stats on the Echo Chamber Warlock gauntlets...
No no no... Etheric light should give you exotic swords, because Etheric light used to be that annoying to get.
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yues yes yes yes yes yes
How about it increase the attack/defense of an item by 5, and can only be used once per item?
That would be so hard for them to put in the game...
It should simply bring armor or weapons to max light level …
Etheric light should be used to ascend any weapon and armor to 320 attack and defence.
Actually a good idea, i would love to make my highest squidder or squid pro quo cloaks legendary
Edited by Blooddrunk123: 11/1/2015 11:33:19 AMIts a good idea, but that would be alot of work on Bungie's end to remake legendary versions of every blue piece of gear. Perhaps instead, Bungie could make it so Etheric Light can be traded with The Speaker for motes or with Xur for strange coins. Maybe 5-10 per Etheric Light. Maybe they could be traded with vendors (Other than Banshee and the Cryptarch) in the tower for reputation. Or, they can be used to infuse a piece of legendary or exotic gear. An item can only be infused once, and will give that gear a +10 in attack/defence regardless of its current value. This will be limited by the level cap of course.
Something as simple as this would make Poe more active again, couldn't agree more
So we have raid gear and faction gear, which for hunters is all barely even reskinned versions of the same item, and the same for Titans except maybe that some of the ugly ass arms have a pyramid instead of square for the shoulder part and legs have a big armor plate over left leg while another factions has the big plate over the left leg... Seriously though the options to look different in legendary gear are pretty dismal in year 2. And to go from this current state to all the options from rare gear would truly be amazing...
I 2nd Blooddrunk123's idea...I think Etheric light should be used to give any piece of legendary gear a bump in light, regardless of the current light level. Great idea!
There's some rare warlock gear that's the best warlock armour I've seen, the boots and chest piece actually have proper armour on it, so sad.
No. I suggest it should be infusable to give one item +1 Light.
They should just let you use it like commendations for faction rep and be done with it.
No because it is now unobtainable. Just delete your worthless stack of it dude.
Or! It allows you take a legendary year 1 item into a year 2.
Also i want my supremacy back, it was my rarest item
No, it should upgrade a year one legendary to year two status.