I personally have been really interested in building a beginner PC for gaming lately. Something in the 700 dollar range. So I created my build in PC part picker and researched benchmarks for the parts. Finally after being pretty much sense besides the money XD, I had a moment of doubt. I play video games not as much as most players. I mostly play on weekends due to sports and school(16 years old). I just could not decide wether or not it was worth it to sink all that money into another gaming machine. I had another hobby/sport(airsoft don't hate XD) to also sink my money into too. I like both equally but I heard from my friends, who are a bit biased to gaming, and they told me to build the PC without hesitation.
Anyways, I'm just wondering if a PC is worth it for a "casual" who already has an Xbox one.
PS the only reason I want a PC is for the better and more games.
Edit: Also my starting build will be about 700 bucks including the OS.
overall it's worth it but depends a bit on what types of games you like