For example this year we could get 1 free random exotic off xur since the 25th is a friday! vote what you think
Edit: I did not think too add a simple yes answer. sorry guys. and I agree they should just do it anyway cuz merica
Edit 2: 700+ votes keep em comin!
Edited by I’m Dunn-4, Exo PDF File: 10/31/2015 9:45:28 PMYes. But for more than Halloween. Come on, Destiny is an American-made game. If there are certain things that other places around the world have to censor, then that's their problem. [spoiler]And before you call me insensitive, I'm actually just a very welcoming person. I'm an Atheist, but I celebrate Christmas because I enjoy it. I celebrate Thanksgiving because I enjoy it. And I bet I'll enjoy other festivities and holidays as well. Anyways, if you enjoy something, don't let yourself get brought down by the ideals of other people. Do you wanna enjoy your favorite holiday? Do it. Do you wanna disguise yourself as the Dark Lord Chin Chin? Do it. Look, as long as you don't bother anyone, just go for it.[/spoiler]