Christ + mass
Apparently that has nothing to do with Christianity.
Santa, as you call him, is actually the Christian Patron Saint of prostitution so, yes, even he has to deal with Christianity.
Stop hating on Christmas, it doesn't need to be religious it's fun to celebrate.
No one is "hating" on it. It is a Christian holiday, that's all.
It's a pagan holiday not christian
Yule is a pagan celebration of the Sun's rebirth. Christmas is a Christian holiday.
Isn't Yule the original holiday before Christians came and changed it?
Yeah. Let's celebrate yule. Not christmas
Problem with that is that paganism is also a valid religion. You cannot force a religion on people.
Truth. I really just want no festival. It's a game.
Well I can agree but I was actually asking a legitimate question.
And I answered it. GG.
Patron saint of prostitution you say... I have a whole new reason to like him