If you aren't already aware, No Backup Plans are actually pretty cool now as a Defender. Especially if you're running a full intellect/strength setup.
The exotic perk on NBUP, Force Multiplier essentially procs your Disintegrate cooldown so you want maximum strength to lower its cooldown to 25 seconds. While having these [i]gloriously purple holographic gauntlets[/i] equipped and the Relentless perk in your skill tree selected, your Force Barrier can last up to [b]25 seconds[/b]. Meaning you can basically have a [b]PERMANENT OVERSHIELD[/b] while killing enemies with a shotgun equipped! Sounds pretty badass right? You'll literally be a Buckshot Bruiser who is tough as hell to take down.
You can use any shotgun you want for this set up. I personally run with The Chaperone as it works well with Weapons of Light. Normally you can't get 1 shot bodyshots with it but you most definitely can with a WoL buff. I actually managed to get my first Phantom medal using this set up. Its also a little bit more of a rewarding feeling than using any other shotgun since The Chaperone usually requires headshots to get one shot kills. Think of it as a high impact sniper rifle with shotgun range.
You can use whatever perk you want for your Ward of Dawn by the way as Weapons of Light isn't a requirement. If you want to be a truly immovable object then use the Immobius shotgun with Armor Of Light. That will surely annoy the hell out of enemies when they attempt to capture objectives you're camping on.
If you're running a high impact shotgun with very low reload speed, use the War Machine perk otherwise always use Unbreakable as its incredibly useful to having a recharging overshield. Another tip I suggest would be to run the Suppressor Grenade instead of using Magnetic due to its capability of shutting down players with their supers activated who are coming at you or are trying to challenge you in your Ward of Dawn.
Hope everyone gives this a shot! :D its a ton of fun
What's funny... Is that this is almost exactly the same build I use when running Ward of Dawn. The only real difference is that I keep Blessings of Light on instead of Weapons since one hit from my Chaperone is usually followed up by a punch.