So I've been seeing more negative posts again. People having problems in their life and ask for help here maybe because they have nowhere else to go. I see more religious posts shaming other religions [b]again[/b]. I see posts about girl troubles and posts about boy troubles. I see posts about coming out to the family as gay, or coming out to your friends...Take a minute and step away from that stuff. In this day and age we worry too much, we never focus on the positive things at hand or the positive things you've done. Let's shift gears real fast and take a look at your personal achievements of the past or present. Make yourself feel good, brag all you want because you know what? You should feel proud about it, just like everyone else is proud of you. ^_^
When I was a sophomore in high school, I listened to EDM a lot. As a past time, I would create lyrics to go along with certain songs I found appealing. One day, a certain set of lyrics revealed a surprising message from a troubled friend. It was a girl living in Britain,and she recently struggled with relationship problems and was considering suicide for a while. She told me thanks, and said that I give her hope for the future, and that that was enough to live for. Apparently she'd been reading my lyrics and they changed her mind about what she was going to do, which was commit suicide. I'm personally proud of this and to this day, my goal is to make everyone happy. No one needs to go through stuff like that.
So go ahead and make yourself feel good, the world is watching! ^_^
Edited by aforkllft: 11/1/2015 2:36:10 AM2 years ahead in math Edit: I'm freshman doing junior math (algebra 3/4)