The other day while sifting through internet, i found the mention of some kind of "[b]ball of fire[/b]" that resides in the sky. It was mentioned by several different sources, and upon further investigation it seems that people refer to it as the "[b]Sun[/b]".
I was able to find a lot of "photos" of the so-called Sun, but i'm not entirely convinced of it's existence. I mean, anyone can photoshop a big yellow circle into a sky.
I have also read many times that you shouldn't "[b]look at the sun[/b]". I assume this is told to scare people from going to find out that the sun isn't actually real. (Trust me, it's there. Just don't look for it!) ...But that's just a theory...
So now i'm turning to you guys!
[b][u]Can anyone confirm this "Sun"?[/u][/b]
There's a reason you shouldn't look at the sun. This ball of burning hydrogen gas is so bright you may become blind from looking at it too long. But look up at the sky when it's day outside (day is when your part of the world is covered in "light", a bright substance which illuminates the area around it) and you will see the bright fiery ball.