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Edited by FUNKYSKELETON72: 11/1/2015 4:46:17 PM

More feedback on gear manager beta

Attached above link is from earlier discussion posted by Kay... Gear management is important and it seems like we all spend a LOT of time organizing. So far GMB makes this a million time easier. Thank you. Adding some additional comments about GMB after using it for several days: Love using the new manager. Some things to consider: 1) Stacking the sort categories e.g. sort by weapon type and light level- would help organize gear you want to keep/level versus gear you will use to upgrade stuff you want to keep. 2.a) Tier/color code regions of the general Inventory window (right side of gear display) by selected character, other characters, then vault. This way the Left window lets you see all the gear the selected character has while right window still lets you see all gear that you have everywhere- but it's more organized instead of one big lump. 2.b) consider a view window choice that always keeps the gear sorted a specific way e.g. alphabetically by weapon/gear type and tiered by locked vs. unlocked (for stuff you want to keep vs. grind). Its confusing when gear is not in the same "place" all the time as you move gear you used and gear you grind up. It would be nice to have a way to choose where things go in the vault and then they stay there so you know where to go to get it when you want it. (That's how us visual-folk process info) 3) sort preferences seem to re-set after gear has been transferred, which changes where everything is in the gear list- kind of confusing. 4) Sort preferences seem to re-set after character change- confusing/disorienting. 5) Sort option for frequency of use of weapon or armor. Hope this is useful feedback. Thanks again for considering GMB as an improved gear management option.

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