Until there is an official announcement on this, this is my theory:
The inferno and mayhem modes prompt the use of the game client's primary grimoire interface, as though a game of control, clash, skirmish, salvage, rumble, or elimination was being played. As these two game modes (inferno & mayhem) are really modifiers for actual game modes (control, doubles, rift, etc.) and the usual suspects for the game modes being modified tend to belong to the primary grimoire interface list, the game client may have a hard coded appeal to said interface during modified crucible game mode play rather than a decision fork that could handle the game client's secondary grimoire interface, which is used with unmodified doubles, combined arms, etc. game modes.
An additional possibility:
During inferno modified doubles weeks, the client side is actually altering your grimoire score for 25/50/100 wins in inferno doubles as though regular doubles gets this kind of scoring associated with it. If this is the case, it could explain high end grimoire score differences between players who have collected every collectible bit of grimoire available to date.
You guys are both making it way more complex sounding than it really is. The cards count as ranks on those. The banner that appears is just telling you how many kills you have to the next rank. The old ranks in vanilla unlocked better rewards after rank 2. The ranks count for 5 cards each. Other cards unlock for 10 or 15 points. Once you reach the highest rank of rank 3 it does not add any points to your score. That's how it works..... If you look at the cards you can actually see the points it rewards in the corner..... Not sure how you guys both missed that.....
The doubles card should not work that way, nor should iron banner, nor trials of Osiris, nor several other crucible playlist cards. The only crucible playlist cards with kill ranks are: Clash Control Skirmish Salvage Rumble Elimination All other cards in the crucible playlist section do not have ranks, but may tally kills.
The guy above said he thought points worked on how many kills you had and not by rank on them. Yes, Bungie intended it to work that way, all you do to get that card for the event is play and I believe win one (considering I have them all besides ToO since I never got into ToO yet). Nonetheless this is how it's always been and the events that used to give just one card used to be more temporary and not something people could play ALL the time, which is probably another reason why they made it like that. But those cards probably give you 10 or 15 grimoire for just playing one, so what exactly are you complaining about?
Overdose reported having approximately 130 doubles wins when, out of the blue, he got the 5/25 wins banner. Doubles does not function this way normally. He was playing inferno doubles when this started occurring. He inquired as to whether he needed to get 95 more doubles wins to get the rank 3 result, which does not have anything to do with doubles mode in crucible, at least when inferno is not modifying it. I responded with my theory on the matter. Please show enough respect to at least research what the bug/question originally posed is, what the normal situation revolving around that issue is, and pose at least a plausible difference in what is going on before you slam someone who is attempting to help someone else. The fact remains that a bug seems to be at play in the Overdose's situation and it likely influences grimoire score among the broader populace of Destiny players in a way Bungie does not intend.
Have fun.....