Not being racist but i personally found that 99% of the elitests i have encountered are americans.
Same for bossy team members.
It is true, many here in the US know there is an "elitists" problem with some of the under 25 crowd. I'm not being an ass but we have some spoiled kids here. It's the "give every kid a trophy generation".. Always being told you are the best at everything by parents and created unrealistic expectations in these kids. I have also met so many amazing leaders in that generation that are far from elitists.
I agree with you. Some of us Americans tend to be dicks but most are really cool
Sorry, it's not our fault your not on our level, go eat a dick you -blam!-ing twat!
That's British...
Well thank you further lowering the average iq of this thread
Opposite for me, British, sorry if your British, but those British squeakers are total dicks and are way more annoying than American/Canadian squeakers IMO.
I do agree british squeekers are worse but i am use to it with putting up with younger family relatives. What i can't stand is elitest people along with people telling me how to do things i already know.
It's not racist. American is not a race
[quote]Not being racist but i personally found that 99% of the elitests i have encountered are americans. Same for bossy team members.[/quote] Search the definition of racism, American is not a race.....