I never thought I would see the day that Destiny has more tbagging kids than Halo, but it's definitely reached that point. This makes sense as most of the Halo fan base has grown up and developed into mature individuals. At least there's another Call of Duty coming soon! That means at least half of the 13 and under club will leave, no more idiots :)
Edit 1: It seems the tbaggers are angry and have invaded this post, I wasn't trying to start a war! I love everyone :)
Edit 2: I now understand that tbagging is life, I myself will begin tbagging after good kills.
Edit 3: Debate! Female guardians, is the female guardian equivalent to the bag Clam Slamming, Tap Tapping, or Ruff Muffing. You choose!
Taco tapping
I'm 39 and t bag ironically ;)
Dude I'm a 20 year old chick and I tbag people lol it's just a game
T-Bagging is a way of life. [spoiler]I'd, it's just fun when they only try to kill you yet you kill them every time, thus harass their ghost[/spoiler]
Take it easy, it's a video game
Got killed my a oversoul edict then got t bagged like wtf
im 17 and i tbag people all the time especially when its a good kill. people need to understand that its a video game and its not personal. is it disrespectful? of course it is thats the point of tbaging you make them mad and humiliated
I only ever do it if someone does it to me first, and if they do, the Taken film scene starts playing in my head. My mission becomes to hunt them down for the rest of the match. :)
You just got destroyed In the crucible before typing this didn't you
It bag when it is required. Like when you play noobs in trails, or when they win the first round, tbag u and then lose the next 5 rounds
Monster Hunter - old
Nothing compared to Minecraft... -
Yeah screw them... Im 13
Everybody tea bags quit being a little bitch
Translation: OP is butthurt that he got rekt in crucible and got tbagged
I'm suprised there are 20+ year olds playing destiny.
Edited by HeroBrineLiger: 11/6/2015 2:16:36 AM[quote]I never thought I would see the day that Destiny has more tbagging kids than Halo, but it's definitely reached that point. This makes sense as most of the Halo fan base has grown up and developed into mature individuals. At least there's another Call of Duty coming soon! That means at least half of the 13 and under club will leave, no more idiots :)[/quote] Anyone can be an Idiot and referring to most pre teens in that sense is very wrong because you have to think were all idiots in are own way and unless you have some logic on calling half of the pre teens idiots. Because in reality there just misunderstood you cant call someone and idiot just because there bad at a game or make bad choices in a game because we all make bad choices. But if there parents brought the game for them they have right to play as they see fit and you cant tell them other wise.
Teabagging is psychological warfare as far as I'm concerned. People get offended, try and get revenge, and rush into unforced errors. Win win for me. People take it way too seriously.
Edited by Beer: 11/6/2015 2:24:33 AMI feel like Kronk talking to squirrels every time I run into one of these little squeakers.
I'm glad CoD is coming out too. It'll get a lot of the assholes to leave finally. I'm looking forward to it.
I've been playing COD since 2008 and I've been teabagged and shit talked more in this game in the past 3 months than 7 years of COD. Nice try though
Edited by XMalakhX: 11/6/2015 1:50:28 AMDestiny has kid friendly gun play.
They will be gone tomorrow
Cause there's no tbagging going on in any other multiplayer fps games. Lol. Riiiiiiiight.
Aww, you got teabagged? PM your address and I'll send you a box of tissues to dry your eyes :)