That's just silly. You have to look at his response to me in a linear fashion. Him saying "You play on PlayStation..." is him saying "How would you know? Halo is not on PlayStation." He's implying that PlayStation users in general have no idea what Halo is, or that they aren't allowed to have opinions on Halo. That's the point. It's not that EventHorizon stated he had no interest in Halo. His disinterest was automatically nullified due to his choice in console. That's what Spooky and I were discussing, not just that he may or may not like Halo, but that his opinion of the game would hold no weight solely based on the fact that he's a PlayStation gamer, and not an Xbox gamer (which is silly). A lot of PlayStation gamers have played Halo and not liked it and a lot of Xbox gamers have played Halo and not liked it. That's like me assuming that Xbox gamers who claim they are not interested in The Last of Us are only saying that because they're Xbox players, and not because they are genuinely not interested in survival horror/zombie/third person shooter/crafting/whatever else games. It's silly to automatically nullify somebody's point of view simply because they play a different console than you. That's why these console wars exist and that's why gaming communities are typically toxic.
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