So can someone explain to me about xurning and earning?
I have been playing since beta (not that it matters) so I know the game very well. I have always had this issue about xurning and earning. Usually I am quite lucky with drops and get all weapons and armor I have ever wanted (don't worry I'm not bragging). However, many complain about xurning over earning.
As far as I can see they are the same thing. Earning through nightfall or strike is great...but you also earn (in some respect) the strange coins to buy the gear from xur. This is more evident now they have merged strange coin drops. Meaning xurning and earning are the same thing.
The other way I see it is both xurning and earning work off of RNG. 'Earning' things through nightfall and so on is still RNG; which means your not earning at all. And xurning is still simply waiting for the gear to appear there and you rely on RNG for the strange coin drops...if you need them.
This isnt a rant...but my question is...who cares whether you earn or xurn your gear? You get it through the same methods
Edit: please share you opinions on this matter. I may not have made that clear enough :)
the only issue is that these 10 year old idiots on the forums need to feel special somehow so they talk shit on anyone that got their guns in a different manner than they. They have 15 hours a day and nothing better to do so any one that does not put in that much time is not good. They are morons. Its all the same- earn and Xurn it is all the same
Some people want to be a snowflake and think they are special for getting a rng drop in the game. they don't want anyone else to easily get it by buying it from xur so call anyone that does xurning it.. trying to make their rng earned drop seem more legit and better when it is not and never was.
The issue is that people are morons.
Just away for trolls and elitest to stir up crap, no real substance to it
There isn't really a difference, most who come up with these stupid reasons why it's better or worse are just BKs trying to wind people up and because most of the community on here seem to be idiots, they fall for it lol
This again... Dont mention anything like that, and maybe the forums can stay free from these type of posts.
Edited by Lord Jurgious: 11/2/2015 10:25:41 AMNobody get's it...