originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Ok, lets start with introductions. I'm quasis, and you are."
"I am Parador, perhaps we could be allies?"
"Sure, as long as you don't attack the city. We should be good."
"The last city, the only place the creatures of the light are safe."
"Ah...Alright then."
"Yeah, and they have certain people that could help me."
[i]He nods[/i]
"Anyway. Do you have a place for your army to stay?"
"I have captured a planet in a nearby system, so yes."
"Ok, I have a outpost near here if you want to contact my group. Our main base is in old Houston."
"Alright, I will contact you if I need."
"Great. I should get going now."
"Ok, I should too."
[b]quasis smiles as she disappears, heading back to her base[/b]