I really miss it!! I was taken my time a little bit with it really exploring all the little corners I could get into.. Many times getting stuck and either dancing my way out or having to call in my dropship to take me to orbit.. But I love all the detail and workman ship that went into this game. I was really impressed on the improvements and mods you can do to your character. I am looking forward to further this game play.
I think this game has earn a spot on my keeps shelf and won't ever be a trade-game. I really am happy even for an alpha and even tho our level was limited.. I am looking forward to continuing my adventure in a game where I can either join up with people at random or just solo my way and help people as I'm running by.. You guys did really good work.
One tip/suggestion, have area speech. Or some sort of communication with people near by... Or even an option during that interaction "press R3" screen to have an open comms link with that specific person. Something, and a party system that doesn't require a psn invite. That way if I am in a party with friends who are playing other games I can still be in a party in the game and just switch from party chat to game chat..
Anyway, thank you to everyone who worked on the creation of this game. It's honestly the best mix of gameplay I have seen in 20 years of being a gamer.