It is really -blam!-ing stupid that I had my hopes up for trials of Osiris, and then everytime you run into a hammer you have NO -blam!-ING CHANCE. I'm pissed off and don't care what you titan main characters have to say about it you WILL be getting a god damn [b]nerf/debuff[/b]!
wtb Zeus
Well you know what they always say if you can't beat them ddos them.
U need a hug, but not from me
Lol so cute
That's what a super is supposed to do. Give you no chance, or very little. I'm OK with nerfing the hammer if we also nerf every other super in the game. Fair? Lolz
Someone just got their poop pushed in by a titan and is salty af about it just take it like the bitch you are.
I guess no one remembers full golden gun teams. Hear the sound of the Super and hual ass until it's done they wasted a super and if they chased you they will be vulnerable same way you beat teams like that in early trials
Simple fix Don't play Trials
Fuk you and your PvP nerfs you've already ruined all the good perks and bladedancer is useless do you pricks even care that your fukin over the whole game with your PvP "balancing"
I hope they don't nerf it.if people feel it's overpowered then simply just make a Titan and fight fire with fire.its really not hard to level up a new character
All the guns from trials suck anyways.
We are still complaining about this? Really?
Every sun breaker in trials this week I just ran away from. Simple and effective lol
Dude, seriously..... Just aim for the head with a high impact gun after the first hammer and they're down. Happens to me all the time. I've done it to others also. And my armor is as high as I can get it.
You act like the super is on at all times
Look at the actual stats. Sunbreakers average kdr is worse than all others. Look it up on destiny tracker
? If they were getting supers ever round, then they're cheating. But since I highly doubt that's the case, perhaps your loss was due to your lack of skill compared to their skill
Eat a Snickers
Went up against 3 sun breaker titans in one of my trials games with a friend and a random. You want to know what happened? Well to put It blatantly we shat on them. Idgaf about what super you use because if you're killed quick enough and beaten fast enough then you aren't getting that super.
It's easy in Trials, just run away from them. The rounds are long enough that you can regroup after their super runs out.
I full heartedly disagree with Titan nerf. It's their turn to have a ridiculous super, other classes had theirs. Sun breakers are only really viable in pvp anyways, you don't see many in raids and the like, that's all defenders, and no one complains about defenders lol. --A player who uses three hunters
Edited by CapOrgan: 11/3/2015 11:06:53 PMHe put the title in caps to show how seious he is. Reality is he just told us he is a squeaker. Dont have a temper tantrum, go upstairs and ask for a hug.
One word: Tether.