It is really -blam!-ing stupid that I had my hopes up for trials of Osiris, and then everytime you run into a hammer you have NO -blam!-ING CHANCE. I'm pissed off and don't care what you titan main characters have to say about it you WILL be getting a god damn [b]nerf/debuff[/b]!
Nerf the caps lock!
Salt detected Get ready to mine
They arent that bad... I always ply ToO and sunbreakers werent that bad, its a pain when you see one, but they are easy to evade i play hunter, so its even easier, like i said not that bad
Every time you encounter a golden gun, you have just as little chance in trials. Did you know there's a golden gun perk that makes it charge faster, giving you at least 2 supers per match. Bungie nerf golden gun now, this is bs.
Edited by turbtators: 11/3/2015 7:33:52 PMWay to jump on the band wagon. All these post give the super a false sense of it being overpowered. It's like the quote from Joseph goebbels "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it". Sunbreaker is good but it isn't op which is why I used striker for my flawless run not sunbreaker.
Sorry you feel this way fellow guardian. We are all united under the traveler. The crucible should not divide us. -A Titan
That Hunter rage.
Shut up
No characters present. Muted.
Potty Mouth OP. Your mother catches you and it's no soup for you.
Nerf all Nerf Footballs. Too Nerfy!
Sad, saltiness dries you out terribly!
It really isn't THAT hard to deal with, lure them to a long corridor, (potentially with a low ceiling) And wait at the end with your sniper, one head shot and a quick finish with the primary. I killed a fair few during trials
I only died by hammer twice during trials It's just about playing smart and calling out. Hunters nightstalker will shut it down. Warlocks void walker will kill them Titans well HoS battles are awesome
Just try running if you cant kill him titan stuff does have a timer
Man. U just suck. Stick to the classic 3v3 playlist bra.
Keep the comments coming ill reply to as many as possible when i get off work. :D
Another hunter crying for nerf
quite literally sniped one before a hammer went off, 2 shot from raid sniper. not impossible just hard like every other super. The second i hear a super go off I turn and dip as fast as possible unless I have an advantageous position.
I've survived multiple Titan hammers either he had bad aim or my back the f up technique on fleek
Mad because you're bad?
^^^^^^ this guy is a mard ass!!!!!!
Haha FLAME ON!!!!!!!!!
Nerf me
Fuel beams can't melt steel jet