It is really -blam!-ing stupid that I had my hopes up for trials of Osiris, and then everytime you run into a hammer you have NO -blam!-ING CHANCE. I'm pissed off and don't care what you titan main characters have to say about it you WILL be getting a god damn [b]nerf/debuff[/b]!
If you keep on running they're going to get you you gotta approch tham like a blade dancer and you should really stop posting things like this for attention bitch boi because if it wasnt just for attention you would be replying
My god, make a Titan or shut the f uck up. Too many whiny cry babies play this game.
Edited by Diesel_622: 11/3/2015 3:08:23 PMWhere's captain butt hurt? He needs to give this kid a talking to
You exaggerate and are a little bitch. Put some distance between you and the sunbreaker and snipe them. If your teammates stay close together of course you will die.
Lol man period much? Calm down little man. Sun breakers are fine, 1 head shot from a 1000 yard stare deals with them quite well...
I'm terrible in Trials (as you can see from my amazing ToO k.d. and ZERO Lighthouse visits), and when I was playing last night my team shut down two Sunbreakers in the same round, with gunfire only. Haters (ahem) think it doesn't take skill, and is unstoppable.... wrong.
Another little baby
You sound like a squeaker who went 2-0 and got beat. Sorry you are bad
Run ever heard of that i mean i can 2 shot a sb with my 1000 yard but eh no one decides to fight em they run -_- so run and cut corners simple
Nerf Titans or Nerf Sunbreakers? There's a difference.
GIT -blam!-ING GUD Seriously, it's really easy to just dodge it if you aren't point blank and/or in a very tight space.
Mad cuz bad. Hammer isn't hard to run away from.
One word: RUN! Works everytime. :)
No, git gud skruub
It's not that bad! I'm a main Titan that uses defender in trials and you can shut down sunbreaker a easily. Sunbreakers get red in their eyes when they activate their super which makes them careless. This makes it easy for you to deceive them. I used suppression grenades which turns their super off when they use it or I hover over the door and when they walk in I shotgun then melee.
Just a small bit of advice. You do not work at bungie and odds are you dont design games so you may not realize this. This game is subject to whatever the game designers want to do with it, not the players, Kinda like we are guest in someone elses house. We are free to offer up our opinions and bungie even weclomes the constructive criticism. When you come off as demanding or sound like you are trying to tell someone else how to do their job you come off as rude. Throwing harsh words or making demands is unessecary and honestly if i worked at bungie i would ignore you. You will probably bad mouth me but im just trying to offer some advice. Thank you for your time and have a nice day
You little baby go and suck you mommy tity
You're just whining about you're super because it wasn't good enough to fight against sunbreakers just use golden gun and if that's not enough just juke them
Edited by Henstocky: 11/3/2015 2:17:35 PM*@ bungies office* "Sir he used capitals" "Activate defcon 4" *Titans then immediately removed form the game* Well done deeter702 you've done it!
Won't be nerfed anytime soon me boy. Learn to counter it, or be destroyed by it.
Your fault you didn't run. Even if they nerf it, it will still one shot you the same exact way it does now. A nerf for sunbreaker in trials would probably not be game changing anyway because everyone will just run away from the super no matter what, it's too powerful to go head to head.
Lol, no.
Get good and run away. I ran like a bitch as a hunter and survived then 3v1 a team of Titans
Edited by Invalid: 11/3/2015 2:17:14 PMYou expect to survive the super one on one even if they nerf it? In that case I should be able to one shot bladedancers with a shotgun. Not to mention that you haven't played destiny on this account