This is all just for fun and laughs.
Also it can be a buff or debuff
Ok, this is bigger than I thought. I will now allow weapon and armor names.
I'm going with a gun... Thunderlord
Red Death
Wolf pack rounds
Smooth barrel
Braced frame
How has nobody used Fireborn yet?
>opens forums >sees the title of this post >closes forums
Has anybody said envenomed yet? If not then, envenomed.
Explosive rounds
Take a knee.
Shitslinger lololol
Luck in the chamber
Hip fire
Upon detonation my shit creates clusters.. That one. But it's not a rocket type of shit. More like shotgun... Cluster shitgun
String of curses [spoiler]run. Run while you still have a chance[/spoiler]
Icebreaker. but it's a tactical nuke. so it hits everyone and everyone spontaneously combusts.
Luck in the chamber, when you fart and shit your pants instead.
Chain of woe
Mark of devourer lol
How has no one said Unstoppable yet?!