This is all just for fun and laughs.
Also it can be a buff or debuff
Ok, this is bigger than I thought. I will now allow weapon and armor names.
enemies killed explode
Shadestep. Never know it was me...
Explosive pyre
Solar Wind
Vanish in smoke
Full Auto.
Fire fly lol
1000 yard stare
Gift of the Void
Triple Tap
Bolts from the blue
Army of One, cause i Solo that Porcelain bastard every time!
The touch of malice
Aiming this weapon increases its range.
Blink Strike
Secret round [spoiler]whrn you think you're done...you're not[/spoiler]
There's definitely some tracking going on too
Luck in the Chamber.
Nova bomb
One man army.
Solar wind. It definitely sends people over the edge!
Grenades & Horseshoes... you dont want to be in the "proximity", if you know what i mean...