You've killed Oryx. You've infiltrated his throne world and, with the help of Toland, defeated the Taken King, the First Navigator. No matter what happens, no matter what rituals are performed, no matter what relatives come to avenge him, he's not coming back. Oryx is dead for good.
The following is Verse 3:6 of the Books of Sorrow— Star by Star by Star (TL;DR at the bottom)
[quote]Beneath a green fire sky, in the throne-world of King Auryx, our lords embrace.
We the Hive watch as Savathûn puts her arm around Xivu Arath, and Xivu Arath clasps forearms with Auryx, and Auryx takes Savathûn by the shoulder. They are huge, huge, and they burn with furious power. But this embrace is weakness and we despise it.
Never before have we despised our lords. Have they failed us? We the Hive have been driven back, world by world.
“I am at my end,” Savathûn says. “I plot and plan. But I cannot gather enough bloodshed to feed my worm. And the harder I try, the hungrier it becomes.”
“I slaughter and kill,” Xivu Arath says, “but the harder I fight, the more my worm demands. I too am at my end.”
“The Ecumene war angels have killed me so many times,” Auryx says, “that I dare not go out into the universe, lest I need my might to protect myself. My worm chews at my soul in hunger.”
Is this the end of our crusade? Are we the Hive unworthy to exist?
Xivu Arath puts down her great head. “We should retire and gather our strength.”
Savathûn closes her eyes in puzzled defeat. “We should beg the Worm our God to tell us what to do.”
But King Auryx, who knows best the beauty of the final shape, roars at them. “Have you learned nothing? Would you deny our purpose? Whatever we do, we will do by killing, by an act of war and might. That is the final arbiter we serve, that violent arbiter, and if we turn away from it we deserve to be eaten. No! We must obey our natures. We must be long-sighted, and cunning, and strong. We must take this gift the Worm our God has given us, this challenge, and find a way to keep existing!”
“How will we feed our worms?” Xivu Arath asks.
“I know,” says cunning Savathûn. “I know a way. But it won’t work unless we are killing the Ecumene by the billions. How can we beat them?”
“If we cannot beat their strengths,” says Xivu Arath, “we must infect their weaknesses. But they are lords of matter and physical law.”
“I know a way,” King Auryx says. “But it will require great power. More power than any one of us can claim.”
“Then kill me,” says Xivu Arath, “and use that killing logic, the power you prove by killing something as mighty as me.”
So King Auryx took up his blade and beheaded Xivu Arath.
“And strangle me,” says Savathûn, holding a blade behind her back. “Use that killing logic, the cunning you prove by killing something as smart as me.”
But King Auryx turned with the speed and might of Xivu Arath, and beheaded Savathûn before she could move. King Auryx was the First Navigator, with the map of death.
These were true deaths, for they happened in the sword world.
Then he went to the Worm named Akka.[/quote]TL;DR Oryx kills his siblings in order to become stronger and satisfy his worm.
And the next is from Verse 3:9— Carved in Ruin
[quote]Oryx made war on the Ecumene for a hundred years. At the end of those hundred years he killed the Ecumene Council on the Fractal Wreath, and from their blood rose Xivu Arath, saying, “I am war, and you have conjured me back with war.”
Oryx was glad, for he loved Xivu Arath. The Ecumene wailed in grief.
Then Oryx and Xivu Arath made war on the Ecumene for forty years. At the end of those forty years Oryx said to the Dakaua Nest, listen, I am jealous of my sibling Xivu Arath, help me kill her. And in desperation they agreed.
But he drove the Dakaua Nest into a trap, and they were made extinct. From their ashes rose cunning Savathûn, saying, “I am trickery, and you have conjured me back with trickery.”
Oryx was glad, for he loved Savathûn. The Ecumene fled into the void.
Then they made war on the Ecumene for a thousand years, and exterminated them so wholly that nowhere except in this book are they remembered. This book and the mind of Taox, who was not found.
And Savathûn said, “King Oryx, how will we feed our worms? Did you use my plan?”
Oryx told the Hive: I am the Taken King, and here is my law.
You Thrall, each of you will claw and scream, and kill what you can. Take enough killing to feed your worm, and a little more to grow. Tithe the rest to the Acolyte who commands you.
You Acolytes, lead your Thrall in battle. Take enough killing to feed your worm, and a little more to grow, and take the tithe of the Thrall you lead. Then tithe the remainder to the Knight or Wizard who commands you. Thus you pay tribute.
You Knights and Wizards, lead your followers in battle. Take enough devastation to feed your worm, and a little more to grow, and take the tithe of your followers. Then take another portion, as much as you dare, and use it for your own purposes. But if it is too much, your peers will kill you and take it. Then tithe the remainder to the Ascendant you serve.
An Ascendant will be those among the Hive who gather enough tribute to enter the netherworld. They will pay a tithe to those above them.
And thus the tribute will flow, up the chain, so that Savathûn and Xivu Arath and myself will be fed by a great river of tribute, and we will use that excess to feed our gods, and to study the Deep. Thus all worms will be fed — as long as we continue our crusade.
This is my law. I carve it thus, in ruin. Aiat.[/quote]TL;DR Oryx uses war and cunning to conjure back Xivu Arath and Savathûn respectively.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Since Oryx brought his siblings back through their power, Oryx could be brought back by curiosity. But this is not the case
In Verse 3:6, it's says "These were true deaths, for they happened in the sword world." This only means that these were deaths of power, of killing logic. In the same Verse, it says "Beneath a green fire sky, in the throne-world of King Auryx, our lords embrace." This all happened in Oryx's throne world. The deaths of Xivu Arath and Savathûn did not occur in their throne world, so they were simply imprisoned in their thrones instead of killed.
Oryx's throne world is inside his Dreadnaught. It is pushed inside out by his Court so that it bleeds into the material world. King's Fall occurs within one of the convergence points. Regicide doesn't. This is why he returns in the raid: when an Ascendant Hive is killed in the material world, they return to their throne world, waiting to be summoned back by ritual and sacrifice. When we kill him in the raid, he's dead for good.
[quote]If my echoes are killed, and I am killed in the material world, then I will be driven back to my throne the Dreadnaught. If my Court and my throne can be beaten, if I am confronted in my throne, if I am defeated there, then I will die. My work will end.[/quote]
We kill his son, his daughters, his Court. We kill the Warpriest and Golgoroth. We cut off his tithe. We face him, and we break him. Oryx's purpose is finally put to an end, and his worm consumes him. Oryx, the Taken King, the First Navigator, King of Shapes, is dead. He's not coming back. Yet he lives on, to an extent, within the Touch of Malice. But he will never again rise; his reign is over.
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