originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]quasis switches her weapon into a slap rifle and begins to shoot her[/b]
*as she sings, your flinged into the air, leaving her*
[b]quasis hits a tree, breaking through it as she landed around thirty feet away[/b]
*she gets ups and starts running for a portal, dusting off*
[b]quasis gets up and runs after her[/b]
*she walks through and a huge taken knight walks out*
"Why does life hate me?!" [b]quasis fires at the big taken knight[/b]
*it breaths fire*
[b]quasis runs to a far distance and uses her line rifle on him[/b]
*it starts to fire*
[b]quasis gets behind cover and keeps attacking it[/b]
*he starts walking towards ypu*
[b]quasis aims at its head as she fires, multiple line rifle shots hit him in the face[/b]
*it explodes*
"And stay dead you sorry bastard!"
*more starts to teleport in*
"Oh fuçk me with a cyclops." [b]quasis fires at them, trying to stay alive[/b]
*they start firing as well*
[b]quasis teleports to the moon to get away from the taken[/b]
*they stop and start to patrol*
[b]none of her vex were left, they had either fled or been destroyed[/b]
*they teleport away*
[b]quasis teleports back after they leave[/b] "I swear life enjoys toying with me."
*you see the destructiom* (Probably should get yoyr remaining force, oasis, and assault the dreadnaught)
[spoiler]yeah, and I have a alliance with the city and the house of light[/spoiler]