He likes to jump up and down our sofa everytime he hears someone walking through the hall outside my apt. He said that the jumping definitely has to stop. I feel guilty cause i'm well aware that it's our fault for letting him jump on the sofa, but the sofa is his spot in our living room. Other than that, he will have to take anti inflammatory for a while, and i'm waiting on some tests he's running to see if he damaged any of his discs.
As soon as i get out from work, i'm buying him the same bed he has in our room to place it in the living room, and we will train him to stop jumping on the sofa
Sounds like a great solution, I had to do the same for our yorkie who has the same issue. Beds everywhere lol
Thanks for the reassurance. Hope your yorkie is ok
Thanks, doing MUCH better since. Best of luck with yours!
Thank you guardian :)