originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*I poke it with a stick*
Do I need points to open this?
[b]It opens [i][u]WARNING CLASS THREE LENNY HAS BENN SET LOOSE[/u][/i][/b] [i]kill it for the reward!![/i]
Oh shit! What?! Where? *I pull out my sword*
[b]It leaps into your back, and begins to impale you[/b] "*shitposting noises*"
HOLY HELL! THIS HURTS MORE THAN A CRINGE THREAD! *I stab behind me to get it off of me*
[b]It gets louder and you hear elements of femin@zi And it begins to force the Supreme Court to start banning you from attacking it Hurry!![/b]
(I see the box I walk away then return with a flamethrower and torch the box it's now just ash) ok what do I win?
[b]variks pops out, forcing you to dismantle mines for all eternity[/b]
But the box is ash variks would be dead