originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]All I have decifered so far is the kind of magic used to seal this... it is an adaptation of the kind if magic my people used to seal away the truths behind an item, in order to see through it takes great literate skill and te ability to understand how this code works. The sealed book may look like a simple cook book, but it is really a weapon.[/i]
Hmmm... [b]My eyebrows frown.[/b] I can make out some of it. But not enough. I was friends with a dragon once. We built a hydro Dam together...
[i]Interesting. Do you know where this draagon is right now? Maybe we could ask it for advice.[/i]
(John in his classic polo jeans and baseball cap Walks up behind the two) Me: hey dudes what's up? Philbert: yeah what's up ya dum--- Me: ugh manners cycle on again Philbert:(returns to butler form) so sorry sir Me: better anyway what's up?