So I just completed a Fresh run of Normal Kings Fall, first one after the weekly reset and both War Priest and Gorgoroth only gave me Moldering Shards.
Is this a common thing or is there a potential issue with these two?
If it is normal then Bungie need to do something about it cause Bosses should be Guaranteed drops for first kill each week.
Same thing happened with Hard Mode.
War Priest and Daughters only gave me Mouldering Shards.
This is BS Bungie.
Edit bump
Well that's a silly system. All bosses should drop at least one item guaranteed. Much the same as Strikes and Cruicible. 1 reward should be guaranteed and the 2nd a chance based on certain factors and RNG etc.
No proper loot is guaranteed for any boss except Oryx.
Nothing in this game is guaranteed. One week you may get all shards, the next maybe all items, it's completely random. Just have to grind it out bud.