He notices the familiar look in Thomas' eyes, and instinctively lowers the shielding on the windows. He aims a vicious looking shotgun at the window, one that the old Python would have instantly recognized, but which this new being most certainly wouldn't have.
"Python, I don't need oxygen to survive. You still do. Please, stand down."
After his inward outburst, he looks at you. "I.....I don't need anything! I'm not human! I'm not weak!" He chuckles, quickly going silent. It seems like there were many thoughts rushing through his mind at once.
Calmly, Ginger maintains his aim at the window as his dark eyes search Python's. His thoughts are completely masked by his eyes, and he calmly says, "Nobody implied that you are weak, and you have long since transcended humanity. So please, calm down before you kill anyone else. What honor is there in killing helpless idiots anyways? Why should a being of your caliber be wasted on such a meager crew?"
Python seems to have not heard you. Dean had moved in with his knife. A foolish move. Dean flew across the hangar, most likely out of the fight already. Python pulled the blade from his stomach and started walking towards Dean.
[spoiler]Im using Jenny's post[/spoiler]