Hello - My Warlock, who is level 40, has NEVER gotten a Wormsinger rune! I have no idea why. Just to make sure this was happening, I spent about 8 hours today killing hive knights and warlocks on the Dreadnaught and NOTHING. I never got a single one. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Can someone please explain to me why the RNG Gods hate me so? No, in all actuality, please tell me what I'm doing wrong. How come my warlock can't get these runes? Is this a glitch? Help please :)
**additinal info**
[b]When farming, I go to the green arrow on the Dreadnaught map from orbit that said "Patrol" but when I'm farming[i] I usually don't pick up any patrol missions.[/i] I'm usually just running around Hull Breach / Mausoleum killing Knights and Wizards. Do I actually need to have a patrol mission active?[/b]
If you have a key on you still it won't drop