I'm playing the beautiful game that is Halo 5. After the cesspool that is destiny it's like a breath of fresh air...
Only shooter I have is Destiny (traded Halo 5 in because I didn't like it) but been enjoying Bloodborne and Nathan Drake Collection on the good old PS4 lately.
Chose "Other" in preparation for Fallout 4.
BO3 currently. I'm having a good time. I keep hitting R1 trying to melee though. Too much Destiny.
Edited by FrostD: 11/8/2015 9:03:54 AMNone ATM. Current Crop of Shooters just don't intrest me. Battlefield was my prefered FPS flavor but DICE has been less than stellar of late. And Battlefield looks to be ripe with all the pitfalls of thier last two titles. Future Shooter purchases however include Battleborn and Overwatch. It's encouraging to know that some devs are still trying to shake up genre.
Destiny still has an iron grip on me! I have played a little of the master chief collection lately as well, but I'm really considering picking up Halo 5, and Fallout 4 and Battlefront when they come out.
My time is torn between Destiny and Black Ops 3 right now. Come Tuesday though all games get put on the back burner as I dive head first into Fallout 4.
Currently? Trying out BO3, gave it a rental. Battlefield 4 is still my go to online game but will alternate between Halo 5 and Battlefront in the coming months.
Right now? None. Just got Darksiders II: Deathfinitive edition. :D Before that? Halo 5. Just gotta finish the last little part on Legendary.
OP is lettuce for not including Fallout 4.
Black ops 2 just so I can reset my stats and finally stop playing it
Halo 5
Battlefield 4 because it's better than any other shooter out right now
Fallout 4
BO3 and Halo 5. They're both extremely fun
Destiny is more fun than halo. But I'm currently playing Destiny, halo, and cod.
Call of Duty.
I'm playing Destiny, but I want to get Black Ops III and a Wii U, but my PlayStation Plus Subscription expired so I'm just enjoying Grand Theft Auto V.
On the weekends, destiny for trials, during the week halo. I'll be getting Fallout 4 for my bday in 3 weeks so I'll then move onto that.
I'm currently in an indecisive mood. I thought about playing destiny again but I can't decide
I'm going back and finally doing halo reach on legendary
These results very sad So many casuals today it's sickening.
Halo 5, BF4 and New Vegas
I don't play shooters generally anymore (but I will be playing fallout4)
I've moved this into Gaming.