True. He's only well known because of his sign. He's just a regular forum member like the rest of us!
I don't get why so many hate on him...he seems nice and helpful. Considering how many people are self-centered jerks on here someone who actually tries to help would be a good thing....right?
You call other people self-centered jerks...but not the one that signs their posts with their screen name? Irony alert...
So he signs his posts...big deal. He is helpful.
I mean, great that he helps and all, but people worship him like he's their God. All he originally did was leave a signature after every post/reply he made. -[i]thepanzersoldat[/i] [spoiler]am I famous now?[/spoiler]
I don't see a problem with signing...I think people are making a bigger deal out of that than necessary.
Thats exactly why some people don't like him. The reason he is well known is because he signs his posts. Users made a big deal of it getting him so many followers.