Op is crying about a mid tier aim assist sniper, I bet he uses shotguns.
Oh lol look: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/crucible/xbox/Hollywoodaces
2200 shotgun kills vs 200 sniper kills. Of course you're complaining about a weapon type you can't even use.
I'm a sniper and I think 1000 yard stare has too much aim assist, go ahead. Check my stats. It's kind of pathetic
Do you actually know what aim assistance does in this game? Or what it's aim assistance value is compared to other snipers? If so then you understand the ignorance of the op.
Nobody is comparing it to other snipers that have high aim assist, I do know what aim assist is, like I said I am a sniper. You're just a butthurt guy who doesn't want his crutch sniper to be nerfed
The problem is that op isn't comparing it to other snipers, no evidence or even reason within his statement explaining why he believes 1000 yard to have high aa. Not butthurt, simply factual. & my favorite snipers are my og efrideets (with shorgaze, outlaw, snapshot & performance bonus), black spindle, & stillpeircer. I kind of need snapshot or the sniper just feels slow.
If you dont even use it, why are you defending it?
Because I see a shotgun primary user speaking on snipers & aa as if they have experience with these things.
Shotgun primary?? Really. There were only three options for special weapons in the game up until about 4 months ago. I had to use something and i hate fusion rifles and you cant use a sniper in every situation. You must not know anything about shotguns or fusion rifles because you use your sniper rifle all the time so you can't comment about them.
I say shotgun primary because you have more shotgun kills than all but one type of primary. & I have more shotgun & fusion kills than you so that last bit is untrue.
You didn't have to use hand cannons to know thorn was op, every one is entitled to their own opinion wether they have experience on the subject or not
Lol thorn was op because it did enough damage for the "2 tap, walk away", it was able to compete with snipers at long range, & it caused players to stop regen. 1000 yard is a mid impact, mid aa, mid fire rate sniper just like so many others. It's only the most common one because we easily get it guaranteed through a quest. Why make nonsense comparisons?
I wasnt comparing it to thorn in that sense, just that you dont have to use a sniper to know about them. Just like I complained about felwiters lie but I don't use shotguns. Nothing is as op as thorn was. The only reason that people like op and I complain about it is because it has good aa and any player, good or bad can get it. Still piercer, need skill. Hereafter, at least need enough skill to get an exotic. It's not that it's over powered it's that so many people have it and it has enough aim assist that a bad sniper can still hot headshots
Are you sure you didnt want to reference the 46 sidearm kills??? Oh just the sniper stat to say i suck with them. Odd, the numbers seem to suggest i dont use hardly any weapons except a scout rifle and shotgun. I must suck with all of them because i dont use them. Good logic
Ok so let's not say you can't use them but instead state that you don't use them. This still means you have little to no experience & therefore even less understanding of what you chose to complain about.
I dont use fusion rifles auto rifles pulse rifles hand cannons sidearms or snipers. But you didnt look at the rest of that did you?? Did you see scout rifle kills at the top?? Anybody can pull 1 stat and make it look bad.
Bro scout rifles are as noob as any
No. But bullet hose auto rifles are. Scout rifles get 11-21 rounds on the high end. Evry shot is important you can't just spray
That is a stupid statement.
How are scouts noob?? Its a precision hit gun and awards players with good aim like mida multi tool
Look again before you run your mouth
"Look again before you run your mouth" What are you, some backwoods hilljack?