[quote]You are crack on. The individual gun nerfs were PvP related, but the wholesale rendering of all year one weapons and gear to worthless? No one wanted that, there was no hew and cry. That was Bungie course correcting and a complete reversal of DeeJ's own words. Not that we are not used to that...
Seriously, point to any post that complained about field scout, firefly, or the variety of gun perks we had. Final round? Sure. Shot package and range finder? Sure.
Where did anyone post, "I sure wish Nightfall rewards would be removed, the XP bonus and great weapon drops!"?
Where did anyone post, "You know, people do these old raids too much. If only there was some way to make the year one content completely irrelevant..."?
Where did anyone post, "I'm tired of playing the old stuff. I wish they would paywall or close off entirely large pieces of the game..."?
Place the blame where it belongs - squarely in the lap of a group of "developers" who are quickly gaining a reputation for unerringly making decisions which make their "MMO" more confined, restricted, and less fun with each "addition".[/quote]
I agree- this man has literally summed up the devs and this game as a whole.
Edited by Johnny D FISHER: 11/4/2015 8:07:42 PMHey guys, wouldn't it be great if [b]Bungie[/b] released a DLC that removed everything you like and rendered all of the [i]Year 2[/i] weapons and armor useless?! :) We could just melee each other until they remove melee abilities and replace them with hugs ^_^
Cookie or sticker?
A lot of people miss the point of Bungie making year 1 activities useless in general. It was basically a strong arm tactic to get people to buy year 2 content if they want fresh and updated playability. Bungie is their own worst enemy.
True This game won't last 10 years at this rate.
Edited by llSH4DOll: 11/4/2015 10:50:33 PMgetting up to 300 isn't a problem. and kindve fun. once you hit that though the end game feels like utter shit. it's not even hard.. not enough end game content, Bungie sucks. honestly I would have rather see them Xbox exclusive still, that way they didn't pleague the gaming world and rather just Xbox.
It's one thing to remove this kind of content in the game for all year one vets. I miss it. But all of the new players who are dealing with a limited community exposure "what's destiny tracker?" "Whats LFG?" Make a level 42 VoG. Make a lol 42 Crotas End. Skolas is fun as shit. I would love to do that again! What's done is done. I think the biggest take away here for bungie would be not to shoot themselves in the foot again. Think of all the hard work put into creating VoG and Crota. It's an empty tomb worthless and removed from endgame content. How much was invested to have it all just go away.
I don't see why Year 1 raids can be revamped and re-released. We're getting a Year 2 Iron Banner, and a Year 2 ToO with new gear and weapons...... so why not the Year 1 Raids updated for Year 2? Increase the light requirements, and change the gear and weapon rewards. The Year 1 Raids are awesome, I'd love a reason to run Atheon or oracles or the lamps or Crota again. Leaving them to gather dust just seems like a crazy waste of amazing game content, and perhaps the best content in the game.
once you get 300 light your basically done there should be way more options for customization everyone looks the same because you need the raid gear to be a high light level but where is the individuality? there is none why do we all support this game that has let us down more often than not almost all the guns look the same too.
Artificial replayability. That's all Bungie has created, an unless grind.
PLEASE Bungie when i complete the Nightfall PLEASE remove the blue flames around my head! #sarcasm
Edited by Vox Mortuis: 11/4/2015 10:09:52 PMNot really. First, rendering old gear/raids obsolete. Happens in just about every game that uses a progressing gear/raid system. The only part I would marginally agree with is the nerfing of field scout, etc. Edit: oh, also, nightfall rewards were already crap before ttk. The only reason people are complaining now is the nightfalls are a bit more challenging.
Bungie needs to read every post in this thread
This is why HoW was the best. Everything in the game was useful and everything still ha challenge. I actually just posted about this yesterday and it got like no attention. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170626877/0/0
See. They are not listening. They just say they are because it is good business practice to pretend to listen. Now can we stop making nerf posts. They dont care what we have to say so stop whining to other players. Lets go a year without asking for a nerf on these forums. Do you think there will be no balance updates if we stop whining like bitches?
Because they've clearly stated that they want to cater to the people that can't play much, by saying they don't want anyone to feel like they HAVE to log onto the game everyday or they'll be left behind, or force people to play the Nightfall right at Weekly reset so they get the buff; because if they don't they feel like they're missing out. I get that mindset, I do....however, they're screwing the player base that WANT to get onto Destiny everyday, who want to play it for extended periods of time. Why would you make Daily Heroic and Weeklies account based? What is the point of playing different classes now if your main sources of income are only good for earning on one character. I used to play all 3 of my toons....now I just main the Titan, because whats the point of plaything with the other two when I cant get Legendary Marks? Also, the Nightfall is a joke, why bother going through that much grief for a 293 Ghost Shell? My Raid one is 300....but a single Random Legendary for Nightfall? Bullshit. You should get an Exotic Engram, a Legendary Engram and 50 - 75 Marks for the Nightfall. The weekly bounties in IB got 75 marks....why the hell does Weekly PVE endgame have none? Next...Rep. Why the hell did you nerf the living crap out of Faction Rep, while not lowering the levels? Half the rep of Vanguard for activities? What if I don't want Vanguard gear, what if I just want to rank up and get Dead Orbit gear with better rolls? What is the point of having this Faction Badge thing if you're getting shitty amounts of rep? Where did the 500 rep for Nightfalls go? It takes forever to rank up factions now. Why put Year One content at levels that aren't challenging? Why arent all the strikes in the high level playlist? 6 strikes is boring as shit to play....put the rest of them into the list so there is more variety...sure we played them death last year, but we're burning out on the new stuff quicker and its just going to lead to more complaints. I see now why they didnt want to bring Year One Raid stuff forward....because no one would use the new weapons that TTK introduced since they are getting rid of Elemental Weapons, why would you use something without Elemental when you have your Year One stuff at the highest light. Even still, if you're going to ask us to pay 60 a year on new content....make it at least at the same level as the previous year. For all that Taken King did right, they -blam!-ed up alot of things....and they need to start reintroducing Year One content back into the top tier of PVE...because the 6 Strikes in 36 and Heroic and getting boring as shit.
Edited by theREALliveguy: 11/4/2015 9:45:39 PMMan....I miss the days of playing VOG and Crota AND doing nightfall and weekly heroic on all 3 characters with my fireteamates.... Now....it's all about Y2 stuff which becomes super stale really quick once you realize how they are purposely trying to hold you back. Grind has been extended to a mind numbing pace... You're killing you're own game, Bungle. The word Bungle is defined as "to carry out a task clumsily or incompetently leading to failure or an unsatisfactory outcome." From now until you fix your game, you will be known as BUNGLE. Bungie no longer exists, but hopefully you can get your ghost to resurrect you!
I was thinking more along the lines of epileptic greedy cocksuckers, but yeah that bout sums up all the assholes at Bungivi$ion... side note: Can the devs PLEASE for the love of god, let enemies all be able to throw the balls of shit that the taken captains, I love having that shit non stopped spammed..MORE PLEASE!!
I think I've done the year 1 raids more than I've done Kings Fall since TTK came out...
Holy dinklage...guys spot on.
I agree, but I still like Destiny
if you are playing the game for loot, you are playing it wrong play the game to have fun and just enjoy any good loot you get Vault of glass is still a fun raid don't let bad loot stop you from playing half of the game