[quote]You are crack on. The individual gun nerfs were PvP related, but the wholesale rendering of all year one weapons and gear to worthless? No one wanted that, there was no hew and cry. That was Bungie course correcting and a complete reversal of DeeJ's own words. Not that we are not used to that...
Seriously, point to any post that complained about field scout, firefly, or the variety of gun perks we had. Final round? Sure. Shot package and range finder? Sure.
Where did anyone post, "I sure wish Nightfall rewards would be removed, the XP bonus and great weapon drops!"?
Where did anyone post, "You know, people do these old raids too much. If only there was some way to make the year one content completely irrelevant..."?
Where did anyone post, "I'm tired of playing the old stuff. I wish they would paywall or close off entirely large pieces of the game..."?
Place the blame where it belongs - squarely in the lap of a group of "developers" who are quickly gaining a reputation for unerringly making decisions which make their "MMO" more confined, restricted, and less fun with each "addition".[/quote]
I agree- this man has literally summed up the devs and this game as a whole.
Absolutely agree.
Congratulations you failed to have the community care
Spoiler alert, you can't become legend, it's all a lie!
hate when people say "Must Read" then you just see another cryhard throwing a tantrum....
I agree with some of this, but I would like to point out, for example, that even if I were able to carry over Thorn, Fatebringer (my favorite yr. 1 gun), Gjallarhorn, etc., I'd still be using the loadout that I'm currently using (Zhalo until my super chargers, then Tlaloc, and legendary sword as the heavy). There should definitely be SOME sort of system put in place so that playing year 1 raids gets you year 2 gear (and not a system like No Time To Explain), but I think Bungie has done a solid job of giving us year 2 weapons that are attractive even when listed side by side with year 1 weapons (although I honestly still am not sure how to feel about Sleeper Simulant). In short, I think that there are definitely some flaws in Bungie's year 2 approach, but there have been some definite positives as well.
such an original post [spoiler]#satire[/spoiler]
I play one character and easily two to three hours a day and have not run out of fun things to do. You guys need to get outside more.
Bump this sums up destiny
Edited by Lordsa Jar-Jar: 11/4/2015 9:13:18 PMDude, this entire game is about one thing and one thing only MONEY. From the very beginning they've lied about this game, what makes you think they'll stop now? imo, worse than cod. [quote]but the wholesale rendering of all year one weapons and gear to worthless?[/quote] Wow, they've been doing that every couple months and the community just lets it happen saying "oh well it's just like other mmos where gear becomes worthless" what they don't understand is that other mmos don't do it every couple months and don't allow older gear to be come irrelevant to new players.
Y1 Strikes need a Heroic playlist then Old raids need level 40 with appropriate gear.
I agree with the year one dlc a big waist of money
Edited by TheStallmoph: 11/4/2015 5:44:31 PMI'm amazed that there are people posting about there being plenty of content in this thread. Sure, there was more new content than any previous expansion. However, at the end of the day they took away so much more than they gave us. You can make the excuse that this is an mmo and that's normal, but you'd be wrong. Destiny doesn't have near the loot pool that your average mmo does. Every piece of gear and activity we have in this game is far more important because of that fact. Taking away an entire game essentially and giving us less content than vanilla in return just wasn't a good idea. People were really excited for a week or two when TTK came out, until they realized that they had finished and replayed everything and any other progress was likely time gated. Any progression after a certain point is directly tied to the raid with everything else becoming obsolete since that is the only current piece of endgame content we have. It's a great raid, but not great enough to have me playing every week in hopes of maybe getting a piece of gear to infuse or replace an old one. Hopefully they make big strides in Destiny 2, but I know not to get my hopes up.
It's activungie, they want players to play the game more and then they want you to spend more money. I know I have played far less now then I did in year one. Im about 80% sure I won't buy destiny 2
Mmo content is built to be discarded within a year, usually less, so im surprised many exotic weapons got year 2 versions
I completely agree. With every "expansion" bungie either screws up, devalues, or just flat out breaks old content. The expansions don't add to the game they invalidate old content and shrink the pool of playable things. For example can anyone give me a good reason we can't play all of the strikes in one playlist? If all of them were available in the vanguard or heroic playlist that would be 13 strikes to play instead of the 6 we have. Or having all 27 crucible maps in the rotation. Why bungie WHY? Let us use all of the things!!
Ayy lmao
Bump <3
I feel like there's a subliminal analogy with Bungie being Oryx. They take us along for an "ups 'n' downs" year one, then bring us back to year two and dump us into it. We're just shells of ourselves...(actually just poorly drawn, black & white versions of our old selves). They're even so blatant as to have the Taken captains "throw" wool over our eyes.... It all has very dark humor.
This really sucks, I'm thinking this happened due to budget constaints, meaning they didn't have the resources to bring the other strikes/raids up to year 2 changes.