I think you're missing the point of OPs metaphor... Nobody is saying that DLC has to be free, he's just saying that a large portion of the community is tired of being lied to. It would have been different if Bungie came out at the beginning and said [b]"HEY HERE'S ALL THIS COOL STUFF YOU CAN DO IN DESTINY. HOWEVER, THIS, THAT, THE OTHER THING, AND THE OTHER OTHER THING THAT YOU JUST SAW WILL BE UNDERWHELMING DLC THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY EXTRA MONEY FOR"[/b]. But they didn't, we were lied to when we were told the base destiny game was going to have way more content and features than it actually did at launch. The content was there, it was ready, they could have put it in the base game like they promised, but they didn't. So many people pre-ordered based on that (FALSE) Information.
But if you're okay with these kinds of business tactics, do me a favour; Come buy a brand new Charger from my dealership. It'll cost you about $30,000. After you give me your money, I will gladly hand you four tires, a frame, and an engine. I'll sell the rest of the parts back to you as "Service Packages"
[spoiler]Now who sounds stupid[/spoiler]
Op had the most retarded metaphor I've seen on here. Makes the rest of his boring rant invalid.
Makes sense you wouldn't get it. It's hard to tell you're being abused until you're out of the clutches of your abuser. I pray you escape some day.