When you hear the hammer clang, run and hide if your super is down. If your super is up and ready, you can kill him with any of the non-support supers. Particularly if you hit him from behind or the side. I main a titan, but i like to play pvp as a striker. Fist of havoc will kill a hammer dude. Interestingly, i took one out with a shoulder charge once. He may have already taken some damage.
Concur.. used FOH on a HoS. I bet he was like "WTF.. that still works?" Yep dude.. still does. I just ask you declare your preference before hand. Crispy or Extra Crispy.. :)
2- golden gun shots (if lucky 1) 2-3 swipes with Arc Blade. The hammer has -blam!-ING PROXIMITY! WTF BUNGIE! HoS should have 3 hammers. 4 if he the space suit helmet. GG dosent get -blam!-ing unlimited shots until we run out. Conclusion: bungie hates hunters..
You're an idiot sir