I'm amazed that there are people posting about there being plenty of content in this thread. Sure, there was more new content than any previous expansion. However, at the end of the day they took away so much more than they gave us.
You can make the excuse that this is an mmo and that's normal, but you'd be wrong. Destiny doesn't have near the loot pool that your average mmo does. Every piece of gear and activity we have in this game is far more important because of that fact. Taking away an entire game essentially and giving us less content than vanilla in return just wasn't a good idea. People were really excited for a week or two when TTK came out, until they realized that they had finished and replayed everything and any other progress was likely time gated.
Any progression after a certain point is directly tied to the raid with everything else becoming obsolete since that is the only current piece of endgame content we have. It's a great raid, but not great enough to have me playing every week in hopes of maybe getting a piece of gear to infuse or replace an old one. Hopefully they make big strides in Destiny 2, but I know not to get my hopes up.
This is so true. Took away WAY more than they gave.