why do people compare destiny to other games? there isn't a console mmo-type game out except Destiny...I'm sure you will love fallout 4 or CoD or whatever you guys like but you know what will still have new content coming after these other games run dry? Destiny, and I bet after you are all done with the others, you will come back eventually...other game releases are not gonna kill destiny, y'all stop it with the nonsense... destiny may hit small dips here and there but it isn't going anywhere...we will still be here in 3 years when another group of people decide to post about how fallout 5 is gonna kill destiny lol...all those halo posts and halo did nothing to destiny
[quote]there isn't a console mmo-type game out except Destiny[/quote] -Neverwinter -FFXIV -ESO -Diablo 3 -Warframe -SMITE
Destiny has no content right now. Bungie announced they won't have any this winter. Fallout 4 has a ton of replay value and a wealth of content to explore many different ways. A year from now, Bethesda will release a DLC to extend the content in the base game. In addition, Fallout 4 players get Fallout 3 for free and when backwards compatibility kicks in, Bethesda players will get 2 amazing games with a ton of hours of content for ONE price. THEN, after the F4 DLC has been released, the announcement for TES VI - Argonia will keep Beth players away from Destiny even more. Face it, Bethesda has over 25% of the player base from Destiny leaving for their games - for at least the next 3-4 years. Destiny is dying to bad decisions made by Bungie/Activision and the franchise will suffer for it.
Why Argonia?
Oh, that's just the leaked working title - I'm sure it will change.