Destiny has no content right now. Bungie announced they won't have any this winter. Fallout 4 has a ton of replay value and a wealth of content to explore many different ways. A year from now, Bethesda will release a DLC to extend the content in the base game. In addition, Fallout 4 players get Fallout 3 for free and when backwards compatibility kicks in, Bethesda players will get 2 amazing games with a ton of hours of content for ONE price. THEN, after the F4 DLC has been released, the announcement for TES VI - Argonia will keep Beth players away from Destiny even more.
Face it, Bethesda has over 25% of the player base from Destiny leaving for their games - for at least the next 3-4 years. Destiny is dying to bad decisions made by Bungie/Activision and the franchise will suffer for it.
Why Argonia?
Oh, that's just the leaked working title - I'm sure it will change.