[quote]September 9th 2014,
Location: Home.
I open my eyes to my white ceiling. I feel tired. Hungry. I get up from my bed and look at my calendar, yawning. The calendar says 9/9.
"Oh crap!" I yell. All the grogginess I felt moments before washed away and turned into hype. Destiny Awaits. I take a shower, get dressed, get my car keys.
The clock says 7:10am. Crap. Gamestop opens at 10am. What do I do? I start to panic. I want to play.
I come up with a solution.
I find the hardest wall I can find. I charge toward the wall.
September 9th 2014,
Location: Floor.
I open my eyes. My head hurts. I look up a the wall that I ran into. There is a huge hole in it. I look at the clock. 2:30pm.
I overslept my unconsciousness! I grab my car keys again and I start my car. My head still hurts, and my vision is starting to get blurry.
But I am fine!!!
I back out of my garage. I hear a boom and a scrape...
I forgot to open the garage door.
Screw it!!!! It'll be fine!!!
I back out of my driveway, knocking over sprinklers, running over my grass. I hear a person scream.
I look behind me and see a person lying behind my car.
Dumb place to sleep, I could've hit her. Idiot. I drive away to Gamestop.
September 9th 2014,
Location: Jail
It's 7:25pm. I got arrested for speeding and causing 5 car wrecks. Only 12 people were seriously injured. I never got to Gamestop.
If I don't pick up the game by tomorrow someone else will get it!!! I have to get out of here. I look out of my cell.
"Guard!" I yell. A Guard walks over to me. "What?" He replies. He's fat.
I reach out and grab his shirt, and pull him toward the bars, hitting his head, and falling to the floor. I take the keys and break free! I take his uniform, which is a little baggy on me, and act like a Guard.
I walk toward the exit. A Guard guy at the front desk sees me. "Hank, going home so soon?" He says. Crap, my name is Hank? What a terrible name.
I look at him. "Yep. My wife died." I say calmly. He looks at me. "What? What happened? How? When? Why aren't you sad?" He replies, he seems freaked out. I don't know why.
I run.
September 9th 2014.
Location: Gamestop.
It's 8:30pm. Good thing Gamestop stays open until 9pm on Tuesdays! I think...
I walk over to the door and walk in. An employee looks at me, "Hello! Good evening sir!" He says. I give him a dirty look.
"I am here for my Destiny!" I yell. He looks at me. "Alright." He says.
He gets a confused look on his face. "Sir?" He says.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Destiny releases tomorrow."
"WHAT?!" I yell. "NO!"
"Today is 9/8 sir." What? No way! I suddenly have a flashback.
On August 13th, I chose to advance my entire life a day, so Destiny would seem one day closer, and on September 3rd, I would go back to normal.
I guess I forgot.
"So, I am not getting Destiny?" I ask.
"No sir." He replies.
I look at him. He looks at me...
September 9th 2014,
Location: Home
I drive into my garage. It's empty. My laundry room door is open. I enter my house. Everything is gone.
I was robbed.
All of the sudden, the cops show up...
September 9th 2037,
Location: Prison
I get out of prison today. I can't wait to play Destiny. I hope the servers are still up. I heard the X-Station 9 released a few months ago.
I get so excited to play new games. I get so, so excited!
"I CANT WAIT TO GRAB A GUN AND SHOOT PEOPLE!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I just walked out the gate of the prison.
I was charged another 10 years.
[b]The End
This novel was created by DeathWish2124. Copyright DeathWish2124. Based on a true story from the future.[/b][/quote]
Great short story! You are very talented. Keep them coming!