Why do people like you defend what you know is wrong? Bungie isn't going to give you a medal. Stop disagreeing with people just for the sake of it. You're slowing down the process of making this game better for the sake of hearing yourself speak.
it's not a wrong concept, play for fun and you will enjoy the game a lot more make some friends, enjoy yourself.
I agree with you on that front. I don't agree with stifling the betterment of the game. OP is asking that the game be made better and more consistent throughout. You're saying, "Nah, it's fine the way it is. You just need to like it more". Why wouldn't you or anyone want more relevance in more aspects of the game?
That's not the point I'm trying to make, I'm saying that if you can have fun with the game, it's not pointless. yes, if loot drops were improved in year one content it would be worth doing more. but you can still do it for fun.
Defending ones opinion that differs from your own is not defending the wrong opinion. It's not that difficult of a concept.
Well said. I still stand by what I said earlier.
You're the one that said "stop defending what you know is wrong?"
What I mean is, what you said sounded very much like something Confucius would say and I like that. What I meant when I said "stop defending what you know is wrong" is that the game has room for improvement, yet this other person is essentially saying, "It's fine the way it is, no need for any improvemnt ever. I'll just keep playing it in this current state forever, until the end of time."
Naw, I'd say he's saying that we should play games to enjoy them. Which is what they are, of course, made for. He says nothing about not critiquing them, just says that we shouldn't focus on the negative parts of the game. Much like anything we enjoy in life, we should appreciate what we have, critique, and hope for improvement, not mindlessly criticize and demonize.
I agree VOG was fun and year one was too. But the "fun" was also to get the rewards and use them. Which is completely thrown away now. Again I do agree with what you're saying but the op has a solid point.
I do agree that getting loot is fun, but bad loot drops doesn't make that part of the game bad. yes it's not as fun, but by no means pointless.