originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"It's certainly better than bashing an armored opponent with a katana and expecting results."
[b]He smirks and looks over his shoulder as a few details can be made out on his face, brown eyes along with short, dark brown hair.[/b]
That's true...but that's why maces and clubs were made
Edited by Rimidalv Nisom: 11/5/2015 12:29:13 AM"Both of which are too slow for their own good.The extra weight isn't really needed when you can just bludgeon the enemy with the crossguard of a sword."
I can tell you like to improvise with what little you have *pulls out a book and reads* That's very smart
"It's just basic training, really." [b]He sheathes the sword slowly as the sheath clicks in several places and the sword is locked in place in a sheathed position.[/b]
Some fighters act on pure instinct instead of knowledge
"Which makes them easier to defeat in the long run." [b]He looks at a passing leaf in the corner of his eye and watches it fly into the distance slowly.[/b] "Besides, they will simply react to everything and anticipate nothing."
Yes...that's the true beauty of the fight even humans fight like wild animals wether they like to admit it or not
[b]He nods in agreement before looking at the ground and drawing his dagger quickly and inspecting it with the broad side facing him.[/b] "Something about your presence seems different than a human's. I wonder what you could be." [b]He tosses the knife into the air and catches it with his other hand carefully.[/b]
I see you're very observant...what do you believe I am?
"A demon, most likely." [b]He tosses the knife further in the air and watches it descend, the knife then lands in the ground blade first and stays there.[/b]
You have a keen eye
Edited by Rimidalv Nisom: 11/6/2015 12:03:50 AM"I suppose so. Everyone urged me to not join any military because I would be a better detective than anything. But that wouldn't be exciting would it?"
"I'm guessing I'll need to introduce myself, then." [b]He turns around on his heel and bows in your direction with his right hand to his chest and his left hand extended outwards.[/b] "Come to think about it, I'm not all to sure about my name."
How come?
"Well, it was a part of training, I suppose. They wanted us to forget our lives and simply kill. I however, only forgot my name. Atleast that's what I assume."
Oh that's a shame
"And it seems like everyone here uses magic." [b]He returns to his normal stance and leans against the tree again with his arms crossed.[/b]
Yes that's a common thing here