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11/5/2015 3:20:30 AM
The removal of the Nightfall buff actually allows more freedom of play. I no longer am forced into the Nightfall if I want to fully max my xp and rep gain. Class items now offer higher rep gain and you can earn rep in your chosen faction along with Vanguard/Crucible rep. Something not done before TTK. Greater freedom of play also goes into the removal of both elemental primary legendaries and year one weapons. Fatebringer, if you had it, was always the obvious choice for arc burn activities. VoC was generally the choice for solar burns. Why would you use anything else when those were the superior weapons. Now? Well now you actually have a choice. No need to put aside a favorite weapon just to use a vastly overpowered weapon for a burn activity. Relegating raids to the level they were intended for does not much help for freedom of choice. But really, how many MMOs constantly update old raids to still be on par with new ones?

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  • [quote] Greater freedom of play also goes into the removal of both elemental primary legendaries and year one weapons. Fatebringer, if you had it, was always the obvious choice for arc burn activities. VoC was generally the choice for solar burns. Why would you use anything else when those were the superior weapons. Now? Well now you actually have a choice. No need to put aside a favorite weapon just to use a vastly overpowered weapon for a burn activity.[/quote] Tell that to the 95% of players using Hung Jury and 1000 Yard Stare. The weapon pool seems to have gotten smaller. Good job.

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  • I don't know if I'm just getting different match-ups, but I see a slew of different weapons on my kill feed. I've seen several shotguns, a couple fusion rifles, varied snipers, and each kind of primary. That's a lot more than I can say about the Thorn Dynasty. All I saw then was handcannons and shotguns in my kill feed with the rare sniper, pulse, or scout.

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  • Removal of the nightfall buff was idiotic. People like me don't have the class items that increase the reputation gained for said factions. Maybe I wouldn't have to offer all my items that have nerfed drop rates to increase my faction reputation. Removal of elemental primaries was idiotic. You have people something to grind for. The good type of grind. Every week I used to grind for that fatebringer until I got five. Replayability of raids. On top of that they removed elemental primaries because [i]they[/i] didn't like them, not by player's choice.

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  • No logic here.

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  • "Relegating raids to the level they were intended for does not much help for freedom of choice. But really, how many MMOs constantly update old raids to still be on par with new ones?" - what a great oppurtunity they have to be different

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  • That's a great point actually. Everyone always states that something is normal or doesn't occur in Mmo's as if Bungie are forced to follow the exact same formula. I thought that maybe old raids would be a good introduction to raids and stuff for new players when TTK came out but I seriously doubt anyone new is looking to do the old raids since they can just hit 40 and get ready for King's Fall. I understand why the raids themselves are untouched, in terms of story/world progression it doesn't make sense that they'd be updated since they were destroyed in Y1. Aetheon is dead, the VoG is empty as shown in the paradox mission; Crota's dead and his invasion has failed, Hive are no longer amassing on Luna. The Prison could be updated with different bosses w/o breaking story/world progression but with The Queen dead/missing collecting prisoner's is pointless for the Awoken. What I think needs done, so there's incentive to do the old end game content, is create an avenue to turn raid rewards in to rep or something (outside of breaking them down for parts, glimmer and motes). Create a new faction that is interested in the 'relics' of the old raids. Have armor sets that resemble old raid sets available through purchase & faction packages. Introduce weapons with Vex & Hive burn abilities that resemble old raid weapons. There are ways to keep old content relevant w/o breaking story/world progression. TTK end game is worse than when the Destiny was released. There's 1 raid and NF's are pointless.

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  • I'm sorry...I actually liked running an activity that made the rest of my week more productive. I also liked elemental primaries or really fun, effective weapons that made the player feel powerful. We don't have as much choice as you say. There are still clearly superior weapons in TTK (see: Hung Jury). Destiny, at this point, is not a better game. I hope they're trying to fix it.

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  • Certain guns are superior in good hands. Then again, good hands can make almost any gun seem superior. Hand cannons used to be considered an inferior weapon and yet I dominated with them in the Crucible at that time. People have done insane things with No Land. I've topped many teams with Universal. Hung Jury, Hawksaw, Bad Juju, Red Death, and the like would be useless in the hands of a shooter noob. Players make the guns, not the other way around.

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  • Exactly. That's why elemental primaries weren't a real issue. Good players could counter them.

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  • Bruh it's a legendary. You can just compare stats and determine what is better than what. Hung Jury is popular because its base range, stability and reload are better than every other scout of similar impact. 1 scout (the same model of Hung Jury) has slightly better stability but Hung Jury still has noticeably better range and reload. Hung Jury is capable of maxing out any of those stats with 1 perk, most notably its stability, which no other model can do. The weapon's trade off is it has abnormally low aim assist which already doesn't do much for primaries unless it's abnormally high. Are you a Hung Jury user? You sound like every player who tries to defend use of a weapon that has the edge on it's peers.It has an edge; it's ok to realize what's more effective, it means you're paying attention.

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  • [quote]The removal of the Nightfall buff actually allows more freedom of play. I no longer am forced into the Nightfall if I want to fully max my xp and rep gain.[/quote] To translate this: The removal for a source of reputation means I am no longer forced to do that activity to acquire max rep. If you wanted to get the most amount of rep possible wouldn't you want the reputation wouldn't you want Nightfall to retain a good way to gain reputation if you wanted reputation? Also disagree on the second part. Fatebringer and VoC were not considered the best because of their burns, but because their stats and perks made them better then anything else with the burn being a cherry on top. This is why later raid gear was criticised as they couldn't stand up stat or perk wise to these guns. No one talks about Atheon's epilogue, or the pulse rifle as they didn't perform well. My opinion is that since the raid is the hardest thing to do in the game it should give you the best weapons in the game. At the very least the raids should drop a consumable item that gives your guns a burn (this would eliminate the issue of raid weapons being used more then normal ones that Bungie thinks is a problem). lastly: 1 MMO's have a lot more content then Destiny, don't MMO's keep old raids relevant by having them useful for acquiring gear for characters not ready for the new content? In Destiny the new content render raid gear completely useless even for temporary use. And 3 "Massive multiplayer" isn't really Destiny at all, unless you count 16 people as massive doesn't Battlefield have a 64 player limit? That would mean that Battlefield would have to count as massive multiplayer (COD:Ghosts allows for 18, Halo 5 allows for 24 players with AI also running around)

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  • I guess you didn't get the memo, "Destiny isn't a MMO."

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  • I can understand the nightfall exp buff, but you didn't need a class item to get bonus rep. They made rank ups harder to attain. Primaries with elements were very useful. Maybe they could have implemented something we wanted, easier obtainable elemental primaries. And most games that leave raids behind have a lot of raids and many yrs worth of content to play. You can't defend making the raid irrelevant when there's only 4 raids. It used to be worth it to do vog for exotics. Now there are way easier activities to do for them.

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