I really doubt any game developers sees their game that way. Especially with this sort of game which is supposed to be a "living, expanding universe". You're supposed to develop a relationship with your player base.
The core mechanics and idea behind the game will always be the intellectual property of the developer, sure. But once the game is released, player feedback is crucial to keeping the game current and relevant. This is the biggest argument against Bungie right now. Players ask to go left, and they go right. These things might work out short term, but in the long run they will lead to a decreasing player base. The statistics being put out that show an increasing player base need to be taken with a grain of salt. My friend list for example, is only connected to raid and some couple of other activities, and the rest of the week they're off playing a different game.
This means they're technically active, but not the way they used to be. They have become "casual gamers". This statistically means they are active players, but they have gone from hardcore players to casual players, and the trend will keep going.
Oh I agree, it should be a relationship, up to a point, but what I am saying is the tail doesn't and shouldn't wag the dog. You can demand all the nerfs and buffs and leveling systems you want. They will only be implemented if they fit with the direction they want to take their product. And that frankly is how it should be. You cannot successfully create something like this by committee.
You make it sound like bungie is doing is a favor by letting us play destiny. Bungie as a company is reliant on putting out a product people will buy. If they don't, they will fail as a company. This means making something the player enjoys. Because the fact of the matter is you don't have to buy it. That being said, yes. Bungie does need to listen to its player base if they want people to keep spending money on the game. I'm not saying they need to take every suggestion, but they do need to take it and balance what the player wants with what the company wants. Right now, it's all about what they want. How they want the game to be played. The weapons they like. Everything is about bungie. Which would be fine if this game wasn't contingent on you playing it. As much as people like to pretend they don't, they need you to keep the game alive. And ultimately the company.
I think we are saying the same thing. The problem for bungie is they have to make changes that, as they see it, are for the good of the majority, that by definition means there will be a minority who don't like it. Times that by the many many changes that get made and then look on the forum and you could be forgiven for thinking that nobody likes or plays the game. Add to that people are far more likely to be vocal when complaining than complimenting . So the only viable option for them is to do what they believe is best and hope the majority agree. What they do do though is listen and adapt, but by doing that they then upset a whole new group of people. You think that they are doing things to almost spite people, I think they are walking an impossible path as best they can.