Bungie, you guys really screwed up with TTK. I know I'm just parroting what everyone else is saying, but the way you handle this game is baffling. You made all Y1 content useless to those who have TTK, and tossed aside those who didn't buy it.
You guys should really stop ignoring the community and consider how your fans feel on this pressing matter.
A few suggestions I can make would be:
Make some new VoG and CE difficulties, 240 light for normal? 290 light for hard? Why not! Have them drop loot at 240 or 290, based on the difficulty, and remove the burns on the primaries if thats what you're worried about.
Bring all old strikes into the new strikes playlist, the same 5 strikes gets really damn boring after a bit.
Bring back the old Vanguard playlists for the players who don't have the DLC and have them drop the ol' Y1 weapons.
Have the old Y1 weapons drop in the crucible legacy playlists.
Make new PoE difficulties for Y2, yet again, remove the burns on the weapons (kinda defeats the purpose of Skolas, but hey)
Make Etheric light useful again! Have it upgrade blues to legendary, and legendaries that are at Y1 max level can be infused into Y2 levels. (Using EL on a raid primary would remove the burn)
Bring back the old Queen bounties from HoW, make special patrol difficulties so the Wolves appear again (can work for TDB as well)
Make custom matches for Crucible! Make it so you can add burns too, have some fun!
Custom strikes (without loot of course) change the difficulty, add your own modifiers, whatever you want!
Custom patrol!
Modifiers on raids!
Bring back some Y1 exotic weapons
Have the ability to choose what game mode you want to play in crucible, and not be held back by weekly rotation!
I'm out of ideas for now, but please, feel free to add on, or correct something.
Constructive criticism is always welcome, disruptive members will be muted.
Bump cause I need opinions