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Since Halo 5 is finally out, let's kick some ass together!
What: Halo 5 Guardians- normal Warzone
When: 7:00 pm EST on Friday November 6th, 2015
Things to note: Halo 5 doesn't have game chat in lobbies, so after starting the first game everyone should leave their party chats and join game chat
-(Leader)addiecorps: addiecore
-El Burninator: Fox Sports DET
-Jim The Admin: Jim The Admin
-Catalyst: ShaughnTron
-I play halo: xXwolfmisterXx
-Zoob: Zoobington
-KumaGravyEP: KumagaiEP
-Pureeey: Pureeey
-Logic: TotallyNotDrew
-a clumsy scrub: a clumsy scrub
-Corypheus: SamothD
If you would like to lead the second lobby please comment so
Second Lobby/Backups:
-Zaroeth: Zaroeth
-comiclegregblade: comiclegregblad
-Winston: Hdog4511
-egroeg IX: Flames35206
-Light: Absorb Light
-spyglass: GingerlyWalnut3
-JesusOfSuburbia: Cousin Patsey
-Caliswagx: Spawn On Bubba
Sign me up! GT is Flames35206